


Into Into

Enterprise introduction

Inner Mongolia Wuhu Pump Industry Co., Ltd. is located in Wuhai Economic Development Zone, Inner Mongolia, China. The plant covers an area of 40 thousand square meters.
The construction area is 31 thousand square meters, and the total assets of the company are more than 100 million yuan. The annual production capacity of electric pump products is 100 thousand, and the annual production capacity of power control cabinet and water supply equipment is 10000.
Inner Mongolia Wuhu Pump Industry Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of electric pump products and water supply equipment in Northwest China. It is also a national fixed-point electric pump manufacturer. The products of Inner Mongolia Wuhu Pump Co., Ltd. are mainly "five lakes" brand diving, latent halogen, heat resistant and other electric pumps, which can produce 100QJ, 150 QJ, 175 QJ, 200 QJ, 250 QJ, 300 QJ, 350 QJ, 400 QJ and so on.

  • 40thousand

    The factory covers an area of 40 thousand square meters.

  • 4Hundreds of millions

    The total assets of the company are more than 100 million yuan.

  • 10thousand sets

    The annual production capacity of electric pump products is 100 thousand units.

corporate culture

corporate culture

company culture

Sincere and diligent and enterprising

Inner Mongolia Wuhu Pump Industry Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of electric pump products and water supply equipment in Northwest China. It is also a national fixed-point electric pump manufacturer.

Institutional network

Institutional network

Institutional network

Board of directors Party committee



The company takes the lead in the same industry through ISO9001 quality management system certification, ISO1400 environmental management system certification,
OHSAS18001 occupational health and safety management system certification and 3C certification, the company's electric pump testing center through the national CNAS certification.

Qualification and Certifications
Honors and Awards
Honors and Awards
Honors and Awards
Honors and Awards
Honors and Awards
Honors and Awards


Registered Trademark

股票| 新宁县| 林甸县| 炉霍县| 鄂州市| 三门县| 邳州市| 七台河市| 阿拉尔市| 河间市| 始兴县| 乌拉特后旗| 奉化市| 措勤县| 正镶白旗| 呈贡县| 定南县| 南雄市| 贵定县| 陇西县| 鄂托克旗| 齐齐哈尔市| 新野县| 蒲江县| 千阳县| 曲水县| 白朗县| 来凤县| 竹山县| 济南市| 牡丹江市| 凤城市| 康保县| 临桂县| 淮滨县| 怀来县| 舞阳县| 阿坝县| 伊通| 岱山县| 乐清市|